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How effective are you in securing philanthropic funding? Are you raising as much as you could be? Do

There is more philanthropic support out there, but more organisations are competing for it. Fundraising programs need to comprehensive and strong to cut through.

Many fundraising programs contain issues that weaken their effectiveness but are easily fixed. I’ve developed a simple low cost “health check” to do just that.

There are three service levels I offer:

  • A simple low cost desk top assessment of your fundraising program. This includes a review of your website and publications from the perspective of a potential donor, bequestor or financial advisor.

  • In addition to the desktop assessment I can conduct interviews with key fundraising personnel to assess resources, systems, kpi’s and staff awareness.

  • For a fully comprehensive health check, I interview relevant senior executives, the CEO, board members, foundation trustees (if applicable), and trusted donors.

My approach breaks a fundraising program down into 14 key elements and 37 points of good practice. The health check is applied according to the scale of the program and the cost varies accordingly.

Being ‘too close’ to your fundraising program makes it hard to critically assess its performance. The health check provides a cost effective external and objective view, and actionable recommendations for improvement. A stronger, more effective program will mean more donations, bequests and support.

The health check is built on my leadership of two major cultural organisations, experience in establishing successful fundraising foundations, and in advising organisations at national, state and local government levels on fundraising. I also draw on my involvement in the wider arts, cultural, environmental and higher education sectors.

Please contact me to discuss how I can help on +61 (0) 419492201, or email to

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